Yahoo still owns stacks of cash for Acquisitions as $5 Billion Share Buyback Program succeeds:

The American multinational Internet Corporation Yahoo! among the world’s leading companies for providing the best Internet services. Among the several internet services Yahoo provides there are Yahoo Search engine Web portal, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Directory, Yahoo News etc. and the social media website it owns. Every month around 700 million Internet users enter Yahoo websites according to news sources. Reports confirm that each month Yahoo manages to gather more than 500 million consumers of 30 and above languages.
Yahoo was also founded by a charm of two namely Jerry Yang and David Filo who a year later on March 1, 1995 incorporated the company. On a turn of events, Marissa Mayer, the ex-Google executive was elected CEO and President of Yahoo on Juky 16, 2012.
The 21% increase in the total number of visitors per year led Yahoo to achieve victory over Google for the first time after May 2011. Report from ComScore show 196 million American visitors during July 2013 who accessed the Yahoo websites beating the all-time champ Google.
According to recent Yahoo Stock news, Yahoo managed to introduce its mixed Q2 earnings. While just a few sentences would have sufficed for the answer everyone had awaited-yes, Yahoo still has tons of moneybags to carry on with more acquisitions. The share buyback programme of the company is evidence to it. It can be read in the release that Yahoo purchased 25 million shares worth $653 million at the second quarter of 2013. What is even better about these shares is that they can be sold for cold cash after being reissued. Marissa Mayer sold 40% of Yahoo’s Stocks to Alibaba for $7.6 billion in September back in 2012. To be safe for the company’s own future some $3.56 billion was set aside to so it may be reinvested on a better time.
It is to clear understanding now that the company shall try moving even further. The SEC has authorized Yahoo for using its $5 billion share buyback, which Yahoo plans to exploit to the max. The greatly exaggerated reports regarding Yahoo’s cash disappearance right after the $1.1 billion Tumblr acquisition are now taking toll.
Many are unfamiliar with the buyback program and for those; the stock can be either reissued or cancelled at another date. Since the Yahoo’s existing shares are not diluted whereas the new shares can have the same stock number, it’s a large win for the company in case if the YHOO Stock is reissued. As if nothing has merely happened.
Among the several advantages from this stunt, there is another compensation as well. If Yahoo shows it is confident making the notion that its own stock is the best investment so far. It will raise Yahoo Stock Share Price slightly since the outstanding shares are less.
Yahoo Stock Prices have done outstandingly well for the past year. An incredible 71.8% raise is observed compared to the share price of 15.65 on July 2012 with 26.88, which that’s price is. This beats all its adversaries’ even eBay, Apple or Google.
More than what any company could spare, Yahoo can throw away $3.65 billion worth in acquisitions due to the success of its buyback program. This is also because the net worth of its portfolio is way more today, than it ever was. It’s a good plan as long as the stock keeps going up.

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