Flower with Cake is a new combination to attract specials day

Popularity of Department Stores is only with associating branded products. It is not very easy to stock branded products, because many companies are requesting to pay huge deposit money, or selling capacity of more goods. Only in populated area shops can stock more products sell them based on associate companies conditions. Company like, KAREN WALKER is liked by some people means, only for those particular customer a department store should stock. Other companies like, different people like BEAU COOPS FOR KAREN WALKER, it is hard to convince a person if above are not available, make a customer to buy, CLAIRE VIVIER products. In celebrative days like father’s day, mother’s day people are buying with budget, these people may not be interested in buying costly products, or a product which is pricing low based on their budget. On any special day as said above a customer needs gift guide to buy products. Only then, they understand a new arrival cake flower, new wears for presentation. Because of such increase in demand Wal-Mart stock price rises.  However, expecting more sales for special days many companies are ready with their new products to delight buyers to present to their mother and father. Therefore, before May 11 mother’s day and June 15 father’s day of 2014 all branded companies are with many surprises. 

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