Investor’s shopping at the hypermarket industry!

It is obvious that the aim of any individual is to carry out the daily tasks in the most time effective manners. Due to the changing life styles of people, the individuals often look for ways to save time in the most cost effective manner. Affordability and timesaving is offered under one roof by the hypermarkets. Hyper markets are huge retailers that offer one stop shopping to its customers. By bulk purchases both the parties benefit; the hypermarkets benefit through high sales and the consumers’ benefit through the trade discounts, hence causing satisfaction among both parties.  This is perhaps the primary reason why the hypermarkets are so popular among masses. The hypermarkets obviously need high level of finance due to the very nature of the business. Hence most of the hypermarkets are public limited companies which offer their stocks to the general public in order to meet their capital requirements. Upon the mention of this hypermarket industry, brand names such as  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc,  Carrefour S.A,  Tesco plc ,  Groupe Auchan S.A,  Aeon Company, Ltd, Centers Distributors E. Leclerc, Casino Gulchard-Perrachon S.A and Loblaw Companies Ltd cannot be ignored due to the goodwill they have established for themselves in the market over time.
            Since a lot of reputable brand names exist in the hypermarket industry, it is obvious that the market structure would be considered more competitive if the global market is considered.  The consumers consider hypermarkets as a source of convenience; however, the extent to which investors praise this industry depends upon the financial data of various companies involved in this industry. It is obvious that the investor will only invest his/her funds in the common stock of any company as long as it offers a reasonably higher return in the form of dividends and a chance to the investor to make capital gains by reselling the stocks of the company. Only after the understanding of such facts can the investor decide whether to go for a particular industry or not.
            Furthermore, analyzing the financials involves looking into the stock performance and dividend payments of various companies. According to the analysis of, the analysis of various companies is listed here. Beginning with Wal-Mart Stores, the stock performance has shown an improvement by increasing from $74.84 to $79.14 over the course of a year by showing an improvement of approximately 6%. This clearly indicates that there has been an increase in the demand for Wal-Mart Stores’s stock. Additionally, the company has also increased its per share dividend from $0.47 to $0.48 which reflects a dividend yield of approximately 0.61% for the current year. Moreover, Carrefour’s stock performance has improved over the year; the stock price was EUR 22.82 but has now reached to EUR26.68 indicating an increase in the demand for the company’s stock. Additionally, the company is offering a dividend per share of EUR 0.62 reflecting a dividend yield of 2.3% which is clearly higher than that being offered by Wal-Mart. On a similar note, Tesco’s stock performance has shown a downward trend; the stock price was GBp365.45in last May but fell to GBp 269.30. However, the company has increased its dividends from GBp4.63 to GBp10.13 over the year which shows that the company is offering its stockholders a higher return than before. Furthermore, Aeon Company’s stock has shown a downward trend which reflects a fall in demand for the company’s stock; the stock price started off at JPY 1302 in last May but has recently reached a level of JPY1210. Lastly the stock performance of Casino Gulchard-Perrachon S.A’s stock performance has showed a positive trend; the stock price started off at EUR 85.09 but reached to a level of EUR 89.84 recently which shows a good margin of improvement over the year.
            Hence on the basis of the above analysis, one can conclude that the demand for the hypermarkets industry has increased overtime. The stocks for most of the company have shown an upward trend and hence the investor is advised to invest in this industry. As far as the individual companies are concerned, the investor is advised to go for Casino Gulchard-Perrachon S.A’s stock because it offers the highest margin for capital gain and shows the most promising growth potential. For more information regarding your investment decision, please visit

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