American Express: About to go into the express lane of profits

American Express stock share price last Friday stood at $84.54 per share, having declined by 0.96%. Operating under American Express stock share symbol of AXP on the New York Stock Exchange with a market capital of 89.58 billion, the American Express stock chart showed a gradual incline in the area of stock share price in the past five years. American Express stocks have benefited in the last five years as prices have risen from roughly $40 per share to $84.54 per share. American Express has been on the rise since the last five years. This is mainly due to the fact that in the current times especially in the United States, most of Europe and countries such as Canada, the members of the EU, (if all were summed up in a nutshell) all first world countries which generate a majority of cash flow circulation all around the globe running on American Express credit cards, since the concept of cash payment being considered mostly alien in these parts of the world.
In the current economy apart from the aforementioned reasons American Express stock still benefit from the company’s plans of growth. For example American Express will spin off its Global Business Travel unit through a joint venture, as part of a $900 million deal to sell 50% of its stake in the GBT unit to spur its growth. This new unit will remain under the (AmEx) brand name and henceforth this will also benefit American Express stock. This deal is expected to close by the second quarter of this year so a heads up to the investors as well as this may attract a lot of investor interest in American Express stock especially due to the fact that they announced this venture in September 2013 which means that this was also a marketing stunt to attract investors. However, marketing stunt or not investors have been attracted American Express stock is on the rise regardless of this venture and who knows what horizons American Express may surpass once this venture is finalized, therefore it is a safe bet to say where the American Express stock is concerned that there will be smooth sailings ahead.
American Express was subjected to a lawsuit just recently; the fact that they were able to maneuver themselves out of it with relative ease helps regain some of the faith that was lost. Unsurprisingly, AXP stock was negatively affected.
American Express currently has an immensely promising, yet entirely untapped market ahead of it: Asia. While American Express’ competitor Visa is expanding rapidly, going door-to-door and bank-to-bank, opening up franchises and windows left right and center; American Express has not yet shifted its focus here. It can be said with confidence that if American Express was to approach these markets, not only would AXP stock sky rocket it would also be able to give Visa Inc. a run for their money. A move like this, while high-risk for American Express could also yield high rewards and thus American Express stocks are ones to buy if and only if an investor is in it for the long haul.

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