Pfizer keeps an eye on Actavis as a backup plan to AstraZeneca bid

Pfizer might not be successful in buying AstraZeneca at least this fall but it is still trying to give it a shot. On the other hand it was also reported that Pfizeris is now looking forward to Activis as another target. The two factors that the company is considering are tax breaks and domicile.
This deal would prove to be fruitful for Pfizer because Actavis has a sound back up when it comes to the pharmaceutical business. The company boasts of a great and diversified portfolio comprising of generic medicines and also some other popular brands and few medicines that have recently been approved. This would result in great benefits for Pfizer as buying Actavis would add to their currently working products unit; this would further add new products to the portfolio of Pfizer which is in desperate need to some strategizing and assistance at the moment. Moreover Pfizer if it acquires Actavis they can shift their domicile to Dublin which can further result in potential benefits.
The company has not come upfront itself to speak on this topic.  They have not yet clearly stated that they are opting for Actavis, AstraZeneca or any other option that comes their way. Joan Campion who is the spokesperson for Pfizer stated that, "evaluate all opportunities, regardless of size, through the lens of value creation for our shareholders and enhancing the competitiveness of our business.” Moreover other analysts and media reports have also listed down few other companies that can be a good option for Pfizer such as GlaxoSmithKline. Even Pfizer might opt for buying Allegan.
These deals might prove to be extremely fruitful for Pfizer stock since they have been struggling for a fairly long time and now need to come with something that would result as a game changer for them. Buying on a stable pharmaceutical might be just the right thing that needs to be done in order to give it the boost it needs. Pfizer is apparently doing the right thing by not focusing on one company as keeping options open will result in benefits in terms of making the right choice.
Hence in a nutshell, Pfizer will soon emerge out of all its miseries if it buys the right company which would not only add to their portfolio but assist it in sailing swiftly to the shore.

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