XOM Stock Quote And Stock Price Information.

Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) is a company based in Texas, United States that develops, explores, and distributes the natural gas and crude oil to its customers all around the world. The company has many divisions within and many affiliated companies with the help of which it is engaged in the principal business of energy. The main products of the company are petrochemicals, which further include olefins, polyethylene, polypropylene, aromatics, and plastics. Three main segments of the company include Chemical, Downstream, and Upstream.
Exxon Mobil Corporation has a bright future as far as the revenues, profits, and dividends per share are concerned. This is because the company has a larger customer base and the investors also trust the operations of the company as yielding highest possible profits. The XOM stock quote for today suggests that the XOM stock price is $97.73 with an average change of 0.05%. The 52-week high and low stock prices of the company are $101.74 and $84.79, respectively. The stock price history suggests that it has increased up to three times since the beginning of 2009 year, i.e. exactly five years ago. Similarly, the earnings are also expected to rise further by 12% in the end of 2014 as compared to the earnings made in the end of 2013.

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