Yahoo is a multinational Internet corporation in
America. It’s headquarter is in Sunnyvale, California. It is normally known
worldwide for its search engine Yahoo search and related services. It is one of
the most popular sites all over the world, especially in United States. According
to a rough estimate, more than 700million people visit Yahoo every month. Yahoo
claims that it is visited by a half million new consumers every month that
communicate in more than 30 languages. On January 18, 1995 a domain named as
‘’ was created.
According to Yahoo
Stock Chart, average stock rate of yahoo is 36.87 while estimated stock
rate is between 36.21 and 37.12. Presently, market cap for yahoo is 38.03B.
According to Yahoo Stock news net
share purchased on yahoo are 11,106,900 that are 7.6 % of total, while total
insider shares held are 135.78M. Percentage of Change in Institutional Shares
Held is 10.98%.
Apart from this, on yearly basis number of yahoo
visitors increase 21%, whereas, present statistics is set at 196 regular United
States visitors. According to Yahoo
Stock Graphs based on the information of its customers and
visitors on the basis of timings of usage, the highest stock rate that is 37.12
is around 12pm. While the low range that is 36.21 is around 10am. Apart from
having a large number of visitors and supporters, yahoo is criticized by
governments of some countries like China for its censoring search results. In
some cases, human right groups also accuse Yahoo as it aids authorities with
personal information of people.
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